Trakya University Faculty of Architecture faculty members, students and Edirne Cumhuriyet Primary School students took action to provide stray animals with a safe and warm home in harsh winter conditions.

Within the scope of the social responsibility project titled "From Junior Architects to Young Architects: Shelter Design and Production for Stray Animals" carried out by Assist. Prof. Dr. Ertan VARLI, Cumhuriyet Primary School students, Architecture Department students and faculty members prepared shelters for stray animals as a result of joint work.

In the first stage, the shelter designs dreamed of by Cumhuriyet Primary School students were visualized by architectural students with technical drawings. During the production phase of the shelters, various types of waste materials were used to raise the environmental awareness of primary school students. The final form of the shelters was prepared jointly with primary school students; little students both had fun and learned while presenting their designs.

Eleven works, including prepared shelters, presentation sheets and a video show, were exhibited at the Faculty of Architecture as part of the '23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day' events. The exhibition was opened with the participation of Trakya University Rector Prof. Dr. Erhan TABAKOĞLU, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Prof. Dr. Burcu ÖZGÜVEN, faculty members of our faculty, Edirne Representative of the Chamber of Architects, Director of Cumhuriyet Primary School Mrs. Ceren HOŞGÖR İLARSLAN, her teachers and Edirne National Education District Managers Mr. Ali CIBUK and Mr. Kamil DURDU.

Some of the shelters produced within the scope of the project, with the participation of eleven students from Cumhuriyet Primary School and the support of sixty students from the Faculty of Architecture and academic staff, will be placed in “Patili Bahçe”, located in the Balkan Campus of Trakya University, for the purpose of sheltering stray animals.

The video prepared for the Social Responsibility Project from Junior Architects to Young Architects can be accessed at https://youtu.be/gShX9a0R618.

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